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Robertson Co. News

todayMarch 17, 2021 8

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The National Weather Service says there’s a potential for severe weather in Middle Tennessee today.  Forecasters say straight-line winds and flash flooding are the biggest risks.  They say heavy downpours are possible, but isolated tornadoes can’t be ruled out.  The National Weather Service says two-to-three inches of rain is expected.

Montgomery County will let its mask mandate expire.  Mayor Jim Durrett said yesterday masks will still be required in all county and city government buildings to protect employees.  Mayor Durrett added employees will also be required to wear masks when working with the public unless there’s a partition between members of the public and employees.  The mandate is set to expire at midnight Friday

If you are going into Nashville to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, take a designated driver along. Metro police say nearly 40 percent of deadly crashes in Davidson County in 2020 involved drug or alcohol impairment. And they’ll have at least one sobriety checkpoint set up near Lebanon Pike and Andrew Jackson Parkway tonight.

American Legion Post 45 in Greenbrier, TN will be hosting its first annual Spring Turkey Shoot for all 4 Saturdays in April. They start at 8:00 and last until Noon, at American Legion Post 45 on US-41.

Austin Peay State University will return to pre-pandemic class formats this summer.  Austin Peay officials say they also expect to mostly return to face-to-face classes in the fall.  Pre-registration for summer and fall classes opens on Monday, March 22nd.  Open registration will start on Saturday, March 27th.

The Tennessee Department of Health says it’s confident the state will be able to offer all adults a COVID-19 vaccine by May 1st.  That’s the date President Biden said last week that he’ll direct states to make vaccines available to all adults.  Tennessee Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey said yesterday the state is expecting two increases in the number of vaccines it receives, allowing TDH to offer vaccines to all adults prior to the May 1st deadline.

Not everyone is lining up to get a COVID-19 shot.  The Tennessee Department of Health says 80 percent of appointments in Middle Tennessee are full, not including Davidson County.  However, Tennessee Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey said yesterday just 50 percent are full in East Tennessee.  She also said less than 20 percent of appointment slots are filled in rural West Tennessee.

Written by: WSGI

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