
1575 Results / Page 56 of 158

Local News

Verse of the day

Local News As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, an estimated 2,500 more births happened in Tennessee in the first six months of 2023.  Using provisional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) natality data for the first half of 2023, the IZA Institute of Labor Economics found there was a 2.3% average increase in births in states where abortion was not restricted. In Tennessee, […]

todayDecember 1, 2023 14

Local News

Verse of the day

Local News There’s a warning about an item that may be on your child’s Christmas list. It is called a Flipper Zero, and at least one Tennessee school has already had an issue with it.  Wilson County Schools confirmed that a student brought one to Lebanon High last month and used it to shut off some cell phones in the classroom.  Flipper Zeros recently got popular on TikTok for pranks […]

todayNovember 30, 2023 12

Local News

Verse of the day

Local News Three suspects accused of “brutally attacking and stabbing” a man outside a hardware store in Murfreesboro were taken into custody Tuesday following a pursuit in Clarksville.  Automatic license plate reader technology reportedly helped Murfreesboro Police track the three suspects to a location in Montgomery County.  Officials said the suspects tried to evade Clarksville Police, leading officers on a pursuit Tuesday afternoon. However, authorities were able to take two […]

todayNovember 29, 2023 15

Local News

Verse of the day

Local News Ashland City police struggled to subdue a man who broke out the back of a police car window on the way to jail.  27-year-old  Zachary Hodskins was taking a rideshare to a rehab center,  Police say Hodskins was inebriated and unpredictable, and the rideshare driver let him out in a neighborhood near Caldwell Road where he allegedly started banging on windows of homes.  On the way to the […]

todayNovember 28, 2023 16

Local News

Verse of the day

Local News Authorities in various Middle Tennessee counties say the recent iOS 17 iPhone update includes a new feature called NameDrop.  Officials said the feature allows users to easily share their contact information with another iPhone or Apple Watch by holding the devices a few centimeters apart. According to Apple, after the devices connect, you can choose to share your info and/or receive the other person’s. You can also cancel […]

todayNovember 27, 2023 8

Local News

Verse of the day

Local News The Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee says to be on the lookout for some of the most common scams as the holiday shopping season begins in earnest.  Pop-up advertisements on social media can appear to be from a charity soliciting donations or an ad for that sought-after item on your Christmas list.  Be aware scammers often duplicate websites to steal your money and personal information.   And if […]

todayNovember 24, 2023 10