
1574 Results / Page 158 of 158

Local News

Robertson Co. News

The Game Day Edition of Friday Night Lights:Monterey 31 Jo Byrns 0White House 32 Portland 31Creek Wood 35 White HouseHeritage 29Greenbrier 21 Montgomery Central0 Springfield Mayor Ann Schneider says afterthree years on the job, Springfield’s CityManager Gina Holt will be retiring, effectiveDecember 31st. She says she needs to spendmore time with and take care of her parents.Holt said her goal was to hire a capableAssistant City Manager and prepare that […]

todayOctober 5, 2020 7

Local News

Robertson Co.News

The Game Day Edition of Friday Night Lights: Jo Byrns is hosting Monterey Greenbrier at Montgomery Central Portland at White House * Creek Wood at White House Heritage Springfield is off this week Nearly 13-hundred new coronavirus cases are being reported in Tennessee.  The Tennessee Department of Health reported one-thousand-293 new cases yesterday, bringing the total since the outbreak began to over 197-thousand.  Nearly 50 additional COVID-19-related deaths were also […]

todayOctober 2, 2020 5

Local News

Robertson Co.News

The Robertson County Mask mandate endedjust for midnight. In addition, the City ofSpringfield has announced masks will no longerbe required inside City Hall starting todayfollowing the expiration of Robertson County’smask mandate. Mask requirements by businessmust still be respected and County residents areencouraged to continue washing their handsand maintain a safe social distance. The Robertson County Sheriff's Office says afatal triple-shooting on Tuesday appears to be amurder-suicide. Officials say they believe […]

todayOctober 1, 2020 6

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Three bodies were found at a home on Green Rd just outside of Springfield. The initial 911call went out indicated that a man was lying in the yard of the home not moving with a possible gunshot wound. Robertson County Sheriffs’deputies say 62-year old-Sherry Green and 74-year-old Joseph Matthew Green were shot dead. 51-year-old Joseph Scott Green, also found at the scene, appears to have turned the gun on himself. […]

todaySeptember 30, 2020 35