
1575 Results / Page 155 of 158

Local News

Robertson Co. News

The Robertson County Cold Weather shelter is now open.  My Father’s House operates through March 31st and is open on nights when the temperature drops to 40 or below.  It’s not just for the homeless. It’s available for anyone who needs a warm place to sleep and a hot meal. Several local churches have come together to make this ministry possible. Sign in from 5-7 pm and stay overnight until […]

todayDecember 7, 2020 1

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Springfield Dollar General was Robbed At Gunpoint Wednesday. Police say just before 10pm the suspect entered Dollar General located at 1017 Glade Road and pointed a gun at the clerk, demand money, then fled the area on foot. Security photos have been posted on social media. Call Springfield police if you recognize the suspect. Long time Robertson County Firefighter Denny Lowe is dead. He was suddenly taken ill on Wednesday […]

todayDecember 4, 2020 3

Local News

Robertson Co. News

One business is booming during the pandemic. The Robertson County Sheriff’s office says they are seeing an increase in reports of packages stolen by Porch Pirates.  If you are away from home during the day consider having a neighbor accept your packages or have them delivered to work or to a friend who is home more. Governor Bill Lee says COVID-19 vaccines will be coming to Tennessee "within weeks."  Governor […]

todayDecember 3, 2020 2

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Robertson County Mayor Billy Vogle has extended the mask mandate due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic through December 31st. The mandate does not apply to children under the age if twelve or people who have breathing problems. Tuesday afternoon -- friends and family said goodbye to Montgomery County Judge Ray Grimes. The longtime juvenile court judge died from COVID-19 on Thanksgiving Day.  Thousands of teenagers appeared before Judge Grimes during […]

todayDecember 2, 2020 3

Local News

Robertson Co. News

A fire broke out Monday at Chemtrade Solutions, formally General Chemical. 17th Avenue and West Hillcrest Dr. in Springfield were closed for about two hours as firefighter battled the blaze. On November 23rd fire crews were called to the same but that fire was caused by a third-party pressure washer on sight and the plant was not damaged. Fir officials say this time the fire broke out during maintenance and […]

todayDecember 1, 2020 4

Local News

Robertson Co. News

A Friday morning shooting on Boyd Holland Road left a 46-year-old woman dead with a gunshot wound in the back of her head  and her 15-year-old daughter shot in the wrist. The Robertson County Sheriff's Office arrested 38-year-old Robert D. Mitchell, orginally charged him attempted first-degree murder and aggravated assault and put him in the Robertson County Jail. Now those cha rges will likely be upgraded to murder. There are […]

todayNovember 30, 2020 11

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Tom Austin Highway was closed for a while last night due to a head-on crash involving two SUVs.  One person was killed in the collision and another taken to Vanderbilt with non-life-threatening injuries. Reports ay two juveniles were taken Vanderbilt Children’s hospital, one serious condition, the other noncritical. Hospitals across the state are asking Tennesseans to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.  The Tennessee Hospital Association issued an open […]

todayNovember 25, 2020 4

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Electrolux donated $150,000 in kitchenware for area nonprofits, partnering with United Way to facilitate the donations. The event was held COVID-19 safe Monday in the parking lot of United Way of Greater Nashville’s Robertson County Office in Springfield 5th Ave West office. Specifically, the Electrolux Springfield Cooking Manufacturing Facility donated 7,300 pieces of kitchenware ranging from pots, pans, and bakeware to cooking utensils The White House Waffle House was robbed […]

todayNovember 24, 2020 6

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Springfield Baptist Church will be providing a “Community Thanksgiving meal” delivered for shut-ins, elderly, disabled, homeless and anyone in need on Thursday, November 26th. They will be delivering the meals between 11 am and 1 pm. There is no cost for the meal or delivery. Call the Springfield Baptist Church of you or someone you know needs a meal. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office has launched their new Senior Outreach […]

todayNovember 20, 2020 8