
173 Results / Page 19 of 20


Robertson Co.News

March is Keep Tennessee Beautiful Month.  The 15-year-old event encourages Tennesseans to go outside to exercise while picking up trash.  The event has been given the name "Trashercise."  It originated in Leiper's Fork. If you are beginning yard Cleanup on your Property as part of Keep Tennessee Beautiful Month, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s Division of Forestry is reminding citizens that if they plan to burn outdoors, a burn permit […]

todayMarch 4, 2021 6



Salvation is the foundation stone for who we are. God has called us, as a Fellowship, to be in the redemption business. Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3).1 It is through God’s plan of salvation that people come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. People need to understand they are sinners. Some churches today are uncomfortable […]

todayFebruary 27, 2021 4


Robertson Co.News

The Tennessee Highway Patrol will be conducting a “Sobriety Checkpoint” during the week of Feb. 26, from 11 p.m.  – 1 a.m. on US Highway 41 at the Greenbrier City Limits and Lights Chapel Road area in Robertson County.  Troopers will evaluate drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment.   The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office says a tip from the community has led to the arrest of 24-year-old Cody Wayne […]

todayFebruary 23, 2021 6


The Second Coming of Christ

By: Thomas E. Trask The next great event for our planet will be the rapture of the Church — when Jesus comes again. At His ascension, the angel said to Jesus’ disciples, “Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11).1 What a marvelous promise. […]

todayFebruary 21, 2021 3


Are You Trusting in a False Hope? By: Ernest S Williams

The church, in any community, is a great boon. The fact of its presence and the sincerity of its purpose uplift society. The church members radiate an honest and godly influence all about The church gives instruction in right living, and it declares the way of salvation. The faithful preacher who fulfills his calling is doing God’s will, for the Bible says, “Its pleased God by the foolishness of preaching […]

todayFebruary 20, 2021 10


Divine Healing

In Mark 2, Jesus healed a man who was lowered through the roof. Jesus said to the man: “Thy sins be forgiven thee”(verse 5).1 The scribes and Pharisees murmured in their hearts. Jesus exposed their murmuring and their faultfinding:“Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, andwalk?” (verse 9). The point is: […]

todayFebruary 14, 2021 8


How Can I Be Saved?

Did you read about the woman who dropped her income tax return in the wrong box? She was visiting in a hospital at the time. She thought it was a mail box, but it turned out to be a suggestion box, and by the time the suggestion box was opened, her income tax return was many months overdue.The Internal Revenue Service, though very sympathetic, had to rule she was delinquent […]

todayFebruary 13, 2021 3


By The Institute for Creation Research
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