Local News

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Local News

Robertson Co. News

The 111 5th Avenue building in downtown Springfield has been restored and will open this summer. The reconstruction project began in early 2020, and the significant repairs include border repairs, new windows  , brickwork and painting. The 111 5th Avenue building is planned to have four offices upstairs and two units downstairs. The whole property is about 2,800 square feet.  Local Firefighters saved a two-story apartment building in downtown Greenbrier […]

todayApril 26, 2021 6

Local News

Robertson Co. News

The city of Greenbrier has taken the first steps to raise water and wastewater rates. A 42-page report by the firm RateStudies recommended that Greenbrier increase their water rate by 50% and the wastewater system rate by 30%, both starting in FY 2022, if not sooner. If the measure passes in Greenbrier’s May’s regularly held city meeting, the new rates will go into effect immediately Tomorrow is a chance for […]

todayApril 23, 2021 4

Local News

Robertson Co. News

The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office announced the creation of a new Juvenile Service Division. It will provide additional resources to Robertson County children with programs to reduce juvenile offenses and increase school safety and security. The Juvenile Service Division will consist of the current School Resource Officer Division and a Juvenile Outreach Division. Sheriff Michael Van Dyke will also create a Juvenile Task Force that will be comprised of area […]

todayApril 22, 2021 2

Local News

Robertson Co. News

Law enforcement agencies across the state are expected to hold collection events during Saturday's National Drug Take Back Day.  Some will hold drop-offs for a few hours.  Others provide drop-off sites year-round.  Those wanting to dispose of prescription drugs can find a site near them on the Drug Enforcement Administration's website. A Middle Tennessee mom is being charged for the death of her two-month-old baby.  Nineteen-year-old Whitney Brown is accused […]

todayApril 21, 2021 3

Local News


A Middle Tennessee mom is being charged for the death of her two-month-old baby.  Nineteen-year-old Whitney Brown is accused of first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse.  Clarksville Police say the incident happened on January 9th when the child suffered a head injury while in the mother's care.  Brown is in custody at the Montgomery County Jail. Law enforcement agencies across the state are expected to hold collection events during Saturday's […]

todayApril 20, 2021

Local News

Robertson Co. News

A fiery crash on Hwy 76 and Oakland Rd just outside Springfield claimed one life early Sunday. The call initially went out as “something on fire in the woods.” First responders found a vehicle had left the roadway, crashed, and ignited in the woods. The location of the crash caused some problems, forcing first responders to drive through a field to access the scene. The Pilot Company is hosting a […]

todayApril 19, 2021 5

Local News

Robertson Co. News

The Tennessee River is a lot cleaner.  The non-profit Keep the Tennessee River Beautiful removed over 22-thousand pounds of trash from the river over the last month.  Clean-up events were held in Tennessee and Alabama.  Nearly 80 volunteers helped to remove tires, barrels and toilet seats from the river. You’re invited to participate in Springfield’s Community Cleanup on Saturday, April 24th, from 9 a.m. to noon at various locations throughout […]

todayApril 16, 2021 4

Local News

Robertson Co. News

A 57-year-old man was transported to Skyline Medical Center in Nashville in stable condition after he was struck by a vehicle Wednesday evening in Springfield, according to Robertson County EMS. The crash occurred on Memorial Blvd in front of Krystal around 9:30 pm.  Coopertown Police Department is partnering with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO) to promote “Hands-Free Tennessee” during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Throughout the month of April, […]

todayApril 15, 2021 7

Local News

Robertson Co. News

The Robertson County Health Department is offering Free COVID-19 vaccinations for Farmworkers.  For groups of 6 or more, the Health Department will come to your farm to administer the shots. Anyone 16 and older will qualify for the free vaccination with no ID required. When farmworkers receive their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the nurses will give them the date when they will be back to the farm for […]

todayApril 14, 2021 5


With Dr. Michael Youssef
access_time10:07 am - 10:30 am